- Details
- Written by Tong
- Hits: 3182

This website is created to disseminate the knowledge of Wu (Hao) Style Taichiquan and biography of Master Li Wei Ming who has devoted his life teaching Wu (Hao) Taichiquan. He is the 6th Grand Master in Wu (Hao) style, and the direct descendant from the Grand Master Hao Saoru. Highly impressed by his in-depth knowledge of Taichiquan and the highest level of skill, we have created this website with the hope that it may benefit those who are interested, so that they may use it to study and explore further for better understanding of the excellence of this unique martial art, and that it may bring more people to practice it.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Wutinun Chiaopromkun and Mr. Suthep Kijrungrattakul who helped us in translating many useful texts from original Mandarin scripts into Thai, to Mr. Steve Needham and Mr Buntoon Wongseelashote for having spent their time editing our English part, and to Mr. Santhawuth Turarak who helped designing and creating this website. Last but not least, we also thank many other Wu (Hao) Style Taichiquan practitioners who participated in providing various types of help in creating this website.
We can be reached by email addresses below:
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- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Taichi and Qi-gong classes registration)
Our Youtube channel is Wuhaotaichi community in Thailand